Monday, September 28, 2009

One Week down 11 to go

Ok, So the day that I have been working so hard for arrived!! Weigh in day. I didn't sleep very well last night. I'm not sure why, it might of had something to do with the weigh in.

So this morning at 9:36am I stepped onto the scale and saw a wonderful number!! 191!!! Yay! (I only weight myself once a week).That means I had lost 6 pounds and 3% of my body weight. Now to win the competition i'd need to loose around 25% of my body weight. So I'm well on my way!!!

The NBC website should be up and running tomorrow. I'll post it once it's up!

I'm so excited for this new change in me. My desire for "junk" food has decreased so much and the Lord has been giving me awesome self-control. Plus exercising has really been helping with my mental heath. I'm so excited!!

My main competition is this guy named Frank. He weighs over 400 pounds and lost 19lbs! 4.5% of his body weight.... We'll see what happens!!!

Thanks for all your support. On Wednesday I will find out what place I am in out of 150. I'll post it to let you know!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Momma! That's awesome to hear! 6lbs! *Hi5!* Reading every post... every time you post! :)
